You don't say.

This week's results see Madrid languishing one place above Cadiz, who you might remember they stole the march on with a handball and offside goal in the first game of the season. Of course, this rough justice wasn't reflected in the Madridista press, with much overblown vaunting of their performance and the fancy footwork of their new Brazilian signing Robinho. All the more amusing then to hear the howls of anguish from the same organs of glib reporting at their loss - at home no less - to the maybe mighty again Celta (2-3). The whingy whining on this occasion caused by a "goal that never was" (see photo). All the papers carried the same inconclusive picture, which is sold as proof positive that they wuz robbed.
Here at a-m we'd like to think that the ball was just on the line, as it all adds to the sense of sadistic glee that keeps us going and is all part of the grand incentive for producing this blog in the first place. Thanks also to the good folk at Blogger for allowing us to upload the pictures that illustrate this particular human tragedy. Oh, and this week Cadiz won by the way.
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