Here we go again
I was wondering how best to get back into the swing of a-m posting and had considered crowing about Madrid's embarrassing defeat at the hands of some second rate Japanese team or other but it all seemed rather petty and, well, I was on holiday. A couple of recent incidents rather rekindled my interest though. Both happened when in the Spanish region of Sanabria in the remote village of Trefacio to be precise. I was struck by just how incredibly nice everbody was, compared with Madrid in any case. Driving through one of the narrow streets, however, I came to a bridge that only one car could cross at a time and met another car coming the other way. The other driver immediately started waving his arms around and behaving like a chulo twat and it only took a microsecond to realise that we were dealing with a madrileƱo. At quick glance at his registration plate confirmed it and no further detective work was necessary to work out that he was almost certainly a madridista too.
The second incident involved me walking into the village bar to hear someone sounding off about "outsiders". As soon as they saw me enter, there was an exchange of furtive glances and the conversation took a polite change in direction. In fact, the conversation had been about football hooliganism, which anyone is entitled to complain about. What impressed me was the respect that they had shown to an outsider by being sensitive to my feelings, something that is unlikely to happen in a bar in Madrid, and has little to do with any madridista "philosophy".
Welcome back.
The second incident involved me walking into the village bar to hear someone sounding off about "outsiders". As soon as they saw me enter, there was an exchange of furtive glances and the conversation took a polite change in direction. In fact, the conversation had been about football hooliganism, which anyone is entitled to complain about. What impressed me was the respect that they had shown to an outsider by being sensitive to my feelings, something that is unlikely to happen in a bar in Madrid, and has little to do with any madridista "philosophy".
Welcome back.
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