Tuesday, February 22, 2005

anti what?

To outsiders, among whose number I still count myself despite living in Madrid for nearly 15 years, I ought to explain the term anti-madridista. It's not about being anti-madrid, which I'm not incidentally - I mean god how sad would that be? Anti-madridista means hating Real Madrid, and I do. Why? Well over the time I maintain these pages, I hope to shed some light on this phenomenon - rest assured I'm not alone.

Nice to see the Bushwit's latest attempt at articulating a few sentences coming apart at the seams again on the morning's news. Maybe he skipped the class on register at high school, because it might just be confusing to the listener when talking about power in world politics at the highest level to say "I'm really enjoying our relationship" (with Tony Blair). Strangely, this had been cut out of the repeat half an hour later.


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